Assault Crimes


The charge of assault carries substantial penalties in California. It also encompasses a wide range of different situations. If you have been charged with assault in this state, you need to consult an experienced attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights.

About Assault Charges

You may be charged with assault if law enforcement officials believe you made an attempt to hurt someone and/or make someone think you intended to hurt them. Several requirements must be fulfilled for an assault charge to stick. Assault charges do not apply if you were acting in self-defense.

Fighting an Assault Charge

If you have been charged with assault, you have a few options. If the prosecution offers a reduced charge or sentence in exchange for a guilty plea, you may decide to accept. If you don’t want to plead guilty, you may also try to fight the charge in court instead.

As your attorney, we will review your situation carefully before providing any advice. All of our recommendations will be based on our knowledge of the law, as well as our experience with similar cases. Regardless of how you decide to proceed, we will be by your side every step of the way.

To learn more about our criminal defense services, please contact our office in Orange County today.

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