Being charged with DUI in California can be very upsetting, especially if you have been convicted of this charge in the past. Our firm is here to help you navigate this difficult situation and minimize the negative impact on your life.

About DUI Charges

DUI charges may be misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the circumstances. First, second, and third DUI convictions are usually misdemeanors, while subsequent DUI convictions will be categorized as felonies. DUIs involving injury or death may also be categorized as felonies. Each subsequent DUI conviction within a 10-year period will carry increasingly severe penalties. Penalties for DUIs involving injury or death will be severe as well.

Our Services

At the Law Offices of Jonathan Reza, we have substantial experience with all types of DUI cases. We have handled everything from first-time offenses to DUI murder. Our firm has worked with clients at every stage of the process, from the initial arrest to the trial. We work with a team of scientific experts and seasoned investigators to achieve the best outcomes for our clients.

If you have been charged with DUI in Orange County or the surrounding area, you need a qualified attorney on your side. Please contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

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